
about me

Foto saya
i'm 15. i'm an extrovert. i'm a big fans of Jesus. i follow Him. i trust in Him. He's the best.

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Halo blogger. Lama ya ga nge-post. By the way, sekarang gw udah jadi anak kelas 9 loh. It means, setahun lagi gw jadi anak SMA. Yuhuuuuu. #norak

Oh iya, gw baru pulang dari manado nih. It's a nice trip. I got many new friend. Yeah. The another good news, my father brought my DSLR from Surabaya \m/ I love it so much. Gw udah nunggu lama banget, akhirnya dibeliin. Hehehe

Mungkin setelah ini bakal banyak foto" yang gue masukin. Hehehe.

Udah dulu ya..

Keep smiling for the peace of the earth J


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